Originally from the Navajo Nation in northern Arizona, Sinclaire Marie now teaches and creates her artwork in eastern Kentucky. She is a graduate of Morehead State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. During her studies, Sinclaire Marie developed a strong interest in both ceramics and drawing.

Since graduating from Morehead State University, Sinclaire Marie has continued to create, exhibit her artwork, teach, and work in arts administration.

  • Wood-Fired Ceramics

    This process involves loading pieces of pottery into a wood-fired kiln that is fired for several days at temperatures above 2,300 degrees fahrenheit. During the firing, the pottery is exposed to a variety of natural elements such as ash and flames that result in a variety of unique glazes.

    Ceramic Portfolio 
  • Raku Ceramics

    Raku is a Japanese pottery technique that is known for its unique and unpredictable results. Raku ceramics are typically fired at a low temperature (1,400-1,800 degrees fahrenheit) and then quickly cooled. This technique creates a crackled or crazed surface and can produce iridescent metallic effects.

    BFA Raku Portfolio 
  • Charcoal Drawings

    "Feeling censored, I began to contemplate different subject matters that could fulfill this. Searching for the one thing that symbolically captured who I am as an artist. Everything I defined myself with is achieved through the use of my hands; my hands became the symbolic self-portrait that I needed..."

    Charcoal Portfolio 
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Handmade Ceramics by Sinclaire Marie

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